Monday, December 21, 2015

The Best Letter for Santa Christmas Contest 2015

All the Access students and alumni are invited to participate in our contest for the Best Letter for Santa. Share your achievements, difficulties you had in 2015, as well as the plans and wishes for the upcoming year with Santa Claus, and win a prize! He is already stuffing his sack with gifts! Hurry Up!



  1. Dear Santa,
    I am greeting you! How are you ?
    With great love,I am Ana Maria, the 10th grade student in the Pedagogical College in Soroca.
    This year I thought I did not need any gift, all I want is to see my family happy. To see Mommy and Daddy together. Actually I want all children in this world not to lack anything, to be loved and to be part of a happy childhood. Just so, and I wish you a Happy New Year and all the best!
    Kiss you!

    1. Dear Ana Maria,

      You have such a wonderful hope for your family and children everywhere, it shows what a lovely person you are to have such generous wishes. I hope you are having a wonderful start to your New Year!

      Take care,

  2. Dear Santa ..
    My name is Mihaela Arnaut and I am 16.Yes,I'm already high but I'm still young!:D
    In this year I was not listener ,but Who is listener ...each has done wrong in his life.
    I did not want any gifts because I have family ,I have friends ,I have all .They are for me all.I want to see them happy and healthy always.But If you want give me something,I am not against.
    Thanks ,with love Mihaela..♥

    1. Dear Mihaela,

      I hope you are having a wonderful new Year! You're correct that everyone makes mistakes in life, all we can do is try to be the best possible person and to care about ourselves and others.

      Take care,

  3. Dear Santa Claus,
    My name is Gabriela. I am 16 years old and I want to tell you that I still believe in
    your magic and in Christmas miracles. This year for Christmas I do not want material
    things, because I am mature enough and I realize that it takes more than that for the
    things that make us truly happy. However I wish for myself a bit and I think it’s
    something special. I wish a new year full of incredible memories and moments which
    will make me happy . Also I want my relationships with others, especially with those
    close to be warm and special, because the last year has been noted with many
    misunderstandings with them and there was a lot of ups and downs.I always want to
    be able to deal with myself and my own because I always feel guilty and make others
    unpleasant, I want also to have perfect relationships with my parents and I would
    most like not to be sad in the coming year.
    Once you read this letter, dear Santa, I’m sure you’ll put some magic and make
    everything work.
    Happy New Year Father Christmas -Santa Claus and Merry Christmas!!!

    With love,
    Gabriela :)

    1. Dear Gabriela, what a lovely idea to wish for magic, I think it's the perfect gift! I'm sure if you go forward in that spirit all your relationships will be just what you want.

      Take care,

  4. Dear Santa Claus,
    My name is Iuliana.I am 16 years old.Soon will be 2016 year. New Year's the moment in which everyone thinks about a new beginning. It was a long year. A year in which I cried,laughed and joked .Sometimes I was wrong,and most of the time I was forgiven. Everyone wants to be better at something. Everyone hopes there will be no regret in the upcoming year. It was a good and in the same time a bad year for me. It was an intensive year. There were some of the most beautiful moments, and some of the hardships from my life this year. We cannot live in memories. we must look afore. We have to learn from our memories, heavy or sad, and create new one. most of them filled me with happiness. Health is very important to me. I'm already healthy and I want to remain healthy for the whole life. It is my desire that lights the way ahead. Also this year, I lived with feeling that few of the things that I made, didn't go well. Therefore, for 2016, I want to leave it all out that I want to satisfied with the results. I am happy for what happened this year, I don't regret anything. Santa,I hope you read my letter and you are excited. For 2016 I wish you the aroma of pine, carols and may the smell of winter fill your heart with joy and peace.
    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

    Best Wishes,
    Chiper Iuliana

    1. Dear Iliana,

      It sounds like you felt many emotions this past year, and now you are looking forward to creating new and wonderful memories. I was particularly struck that you were forgiven this year for any mistakes you made, you must have wonderful family and friends; and my guess is that you also were forgiving of them.

      Take care,

  5. Dear Santa Claus,

    My name is Rodica I am 16 years old and i am from Soroca. It may seem strange, but I am writing to you for the first time. In childhood, I accidently discovered that the Christmas gifts were from my parents, but I wasn't sad, because I always thought that you are too busy Santa and my parents are you assistants.

    I want to tell you that 2015 was the most memorable year in my life. So many amazing things occurred to me: I participated and won in a lot of competitions, I was at the summer camp, I became aunt and now we have a baby in a family, also I became a member of Access Program (I feel so special), but my greatest achievement in this year is that my dream (is a secret, but you know me) can become reality in the coming year. Honestly, chances are few, but I worked hard for their existence and I believe in a miracle.

    In this year Universe and God were very generous with me and I want to believe that in the future I will have another beautiful moments. I have many wishes and power to realize them, because everything depends only on me.

    On Christmas time I am grateful for all the things that I have. I don't think that I could ask for the more.

    I want to thank you that you read this letter now. It is very important for me. For Christmas I want a book at your choice because I read a lot about everything and anything, it doesn't matter only to be interesting.

    Merry Christmas! (and please, if you can, bring snow in Moldova, we miss it)

    I promise to be strong, working and a good girl



    1. Dear Rodica,

      It sounds like you had a wonderful year, and I'm very impressed that you are appreciative of all your good fortune. I'm sure good things will continue to happen as long as you remain grateful for the good things life hands you. I promise you can count on some snow this winter. Happy New Year!

      Take care,

  6. Dear Santa Claus,first I want to wish you Merry Christmas ! I hope there's no problem we all are 16 and still are writing letters to you. Simply have two younger brothers who still cannot write and you must show them that there are miracles and do it with great pleasure. I don’t wish too much, I want more happiness and success in my learning. But I want a present as well! In New Year I would like to receive a pair of headphones “beats”. If I get these headphones I will be very grateful, and I will write to you next year. Kidding of course. I'll write to you next year any way.
    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

    1. Dear Costea,

      I'm very pleased that you wrote me and that you included gifts for your brothers; family is very important. I sincerely hope that you received the headphones for Christmas, if you did not, then keep your hope up and likely it will happen.

      Take care,

  7. Dear Santa ...

    Maybe I was not the good girl this year, but I have something to say. Maybe I would like much, but read carefully. And clean spectacles, not fog up.

    I want a new world, a new journey, a new love, a new hope, a new adventure. And this is not much considering it's about books.
    Not a great miracle to asking, only a fiction or utopia ... or Green love story. I want more for others, but I wish everything were of more value in the same set of emotions. Books. Only so we can keep the universe in my palms. It would be a wonderful if it snows this winter. Besides the light and balls on the Christmas Tree it would be great to present the spirit of celebration.
    Im sure you cand make this.

    Sweetheart Santa Claus, was once the hero of my time, children today, your replaced by Batman and Spiderman. Ride on a sled fairytale and which, today are seen in the strangest position. You are full of joy and in the main.

    You are not a symbol of materialism, and I wish your happy smile for millions of children worldwide. Children who need some magic. Stretch the moment of magic and playfulness. Please help to light up World with moment of hope, beauty and joy.
    I hope you understand what I mean.

    With Love Eva,
    a sixteen year old girl from Soroca

    PS: I hope you've been good in this year.

    1. Dear Eva,

      I hope you receive all the things you wish for, it sounds like many are within your reach - a new journey, a new love, hope and adventure. Keep thinking positively and all will come your way. Happy New Year!


  8. Dear Santa Claus,

    When I was little, I did not believe in your existence, ( I knew that my grandfather in disguise brought me the gift), but now I understand: Your role in people’ lives exceeds the importance of material things, because on Christmas even the most unhappy people wait for a miracle. You represent the hope, which remained in Pandora’s box.

    But many of us in competition for well-paid jobs and financial success do not realize that they are already happy, cause they have the ones who always will help them, people who can love unconditionally.

    Do you know? Adults feel more intense the need to be again children, when they had enough courage to approach the person important for us and simply to say: “ I'm sorry”.

    So, Dear Santa Claus I pray you on this Christmas to give us a chance. Why a chance? To be able to correct the biggest mistake made by all of us: We offer too little time for ones we love.

    On Christmas everyone deserves to hear: “I love you.”

    1. Dear Olga,

      I love the way you look at me as hope and a miracle waiting to happen. It's in your power to give more time to the ones you love, I believe you will do that and the world will be a better place.

      Take care,

  9. Dear Santa,

    I'm Veronica. I'm 14 and I'm from Ungheni.

    2015 was a hard, but memorable year.
    The only material thing I ask for is a book.
    Why? Because books help me more than anyone could. I'm traveling into a imaginary world. The characters are my friends, they are the ones that teach me how to deal with life, how to overcome all the storms, how to not fall down from little stupid things. Books are not only some piles of paper with some words, they are a lesson. Like I said at the beggining, 2015 was a hard year. In 2015 I started reading and I finished the year being more happy, because of them. They made me like this, they made me forget my problems. You can give me any book you want. I'm sure I will like it.
    I learned from a book that being lonely is OK, and not everyone has to like you. You can’t always rely on people. I learned so many things which helped me survive and I'm so grateful for that. I stoped being depressed and I started a new life. Books are my balance.

    Please, give me hope, patience and happiness. I won't be able to survive this year without them. I'm planning to put school on the 1st place. I want to study at a good university, I want to have a bright future and make myself and my parents proud. It will take time, but I'm sure I can do this. These spiritual things will help me increase my confidence and my knowledge.

    Please, take care of my family and friends. Take care of them. They are the only persons I care about.

    Thank you for taking your time listening me.
    Have a great day:)

    With love,

    1. Dear Veronica,

      I love books, too, and like you I believe they can transport you to new places, to new understandings, and they are a wonderful companion if you are ever lonely. I hope you received the book you wanted, and that you go to the library to check out more books. You are sure to have hope, patience, and happiness this year and your books will help.

      Take care,

  10. Dear Santa, Christmas celebration always makes me smile.It is a wonderful opportunity to spend time with your family near the Christmas tree.But the best thing is when the Christmas tree lights are changing and you notice down there small or large gift boxes.I heard that where you live there is lots of snow.And at us now autumn,winter it is warm and sunny but little to no snow.And I'm asking Santa Claus is your sleight this year put a big box for me with snow.To know that I was really good this year.But besides box with snow and do not forget candy if you upset me greatly.The more I like chocolates. I hope to find me quickly! Have a nice trip! P.S. Know that don't believe for a long time in Santa Claus but I wrote this letter to give me just try your luck,and remind me of childhood. Good luck with your work! And look forward to seeing, Francesca

    1. Dear Francesca,

      I'm glad writing this letter reminds you of your childhood, it's always nice to be a child for a minute, even as an adult. Snow is coming, there is no doubt that Moldova will get snow this winter, so one wish will be granted. Happy New Year!


  11. Dear Santa:
    My name is Irina and I'm 14 years old.
    The magic of christmas for me is miraculous!
    every child no matar the age ,knows that Santa Clous exists!
    All children want a gift from.Perhaps everyone dreams of something impossible for him.My dream is to have an iphone plus 6s or iphone 5s.But i would like to receive for christmas chanel perfume and a beautiful bag for girls.

    Thanks,love and
    romance with Christmas

    1. Dear Irina,

      I hope you received some of your gifts, you are a deserving girl. No matter what I know you will be happy and have lovely days with family and friends, which is also an important gift to have that many people don't have in their lives.

      Happy New Year!

  12. Dear Santa,

    My name is Corina, I have 14 years old,i live in Causeni.
    I wish that my family still be very happy and be healthy. I wish to all the others a Merry Christmas and many accomplishments. Also I wish you health . I look forward the arrival of the holidays and of course yours.

    Santa, I do not want to upset you, but now I think I need to tell what i want this year. First good health, and secondly ...... .as wants to revive the spirit of Christmas. i let my desire for the big finish: Santa if you want to bring me a huge teddy bear and a blue parrot that will remember me of you. Dear Santa...... Thank you very much for your existence...
    With love and much respect Corina

    1. Dear Corina,

      I hope you received the huge teddy bear and blue parrot, you deserve a lovely gift! I know the spirit of Christmas will live inside you, giving you peace and happiness.

      Take care,

  13. Thanks everyone for participating in the contest! We will announce the results very soon!

  14. Hello,i'm sorry,when you will anounce the results?
